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okwan himpuni
May 08, 2019
Country:Indonesia School/ organization: SM Sekolah Alam Bogor Delegation leader/teacher: Okwan Himpuni Students: 1. Dzikru Amrullah 2. Ghietrief Fawwaz Kurniawan 3. Landry Azmiraisza Irawan 4. Muhammad Luthfi Alif Sandy 5. Muhammad Ridwan Fadillah Partner organization: JSAN Project title: Used Baby Diapers Utilization As a Planting Medium. Our project is based on processing used diapers. The goal is to find an alternative solution in processing from used diapers into planting medium and nutrition for plants. The birth rate in Indonesia reaches 4.87 million per year. In 2018, 9,7 million children under two years old. which nearly 97.1% of children under two years old used disposable diapers (sigma research, 2017). The average use of disposable diapers in one day is three. If the weight of a used diaper is around 125 gr, that means the diapers waste produced is 1,289,184 tons per year. The weight of the used diapers produce per year is equivalent to 24 RMS Titanic. One of the materials in the diaper is hydrogel (Sodium Polyacrylate). Hydrogel has the ability to absorb water well, so it can maintain soil moisture. In addition, used diapers containing urine are also useful for plants as liquid organic fertilizers that provide nutrients for plants because they contain water, urea, sulfate, chloride, although in relatively small amounts. Our conclusions that are achieved from experiments show that plants using planting media from used diapers have fairly good growth, especially for vegetables (river spinach, bayam, lettuce, caisim). We have introduced planting media from used baby diapers to the community and some of them were trying it at home. Next, we will make some drop box to collect used baby diapers from the community.
INDONESIA 1 : Used Baby Diapers Utilization As a Planting Medium. content media
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